Subject: Brawny Bateau! Color Author: Hollywood Online/Kodansha. Bandai Visual. Manga Enterta Uploaded By: Hollywoodi Date: 11/14/1995 File: BATEAU2.GIF (58323 bytes) Estimated Download Time (54687 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 149 Equipment: VGA, Mac 256 color or 16 Needs: Mac, Dos, or Windows; and Gif viewer (see b mated movie featuring state-of-the-art technology and stunning action. A must-see film! GIF viewers are available in the Pictures and Sound Tools library from the Hollywood Online scrolling menu. Ideas, comments, feedback and suggestions, please drop a note in the Hollywood Online Movie Center suggestion box. From Hollywood Online and Kodansha. Bandai Visual. Manga Entertainment. (c) 1995 Shirow Masamune Hollywood Online 1995